Wonder Women
Elsie was born and raised in Cyprus. As an islander, she has special connection with the sea, that she considers to be a healer in her life. She studied English Literature and Cultural Studies but later followed her instinct to Asia where she studied Holistic Therapies. Over the past few years Elsie expanded her knowledge in aromatherapy, cosmetology and herbalism. She is fascinated with nature and she considers herself a lifelong student of the plants and their abilities. After travelling for about 10 years and living abroad she returned to Cyprus to connect with her roots. During the last few years she developed a great love for her island, through her excitement for nature. “Cyprus’ biodiversity is rich and unique in so many ways, as well as its variety in terrain and climate, and by going deeper into observing nature through each season, I slowly fell in love with my native land”. Elsie has recently move to a village to be closer to nature in every way possible. Her idea of quality time is spending time with her dogs while collecting, experimenting and reading about plants. “I love mushrooms and trees, chocolate and nettles, foot soaks and massages, cooking and eating, planting seeds and watching them grow, laying on mountains and beaches, sharing creative time with friends and with myself, travelling and observing people”. Gaia Olea, her business, was born five years ago, through Elsie’s’ appreciation for nature’s gifts and with the help of her partner Zenonas, in Kalavasos village. Gaia Olea is a project that attempts to make these gifts available to people in the form of simple natural skincare and herbal apothecary products that respect people, animals and the environment. Elsie’s’ love for herbs and her spiritual connection with nature is inspiring in every aspect.- I am passionate with…plants.
- I believe in…humans.
- I laugh at …myself.
- I cry for…everything.
- I detest…nothing.
- I adore…my dogs, the sea and nature.
- My greatest fear is…being far from my dogs, the sea and nature.
- My dream is… to grow and produce all of my food.
- My worst scenario is…you don’t want to know!
- My best quality is…being able to make a joke out of anything (not everyone agrees).
Wonder Women
Irene is a very busy and passionate person, who aspires to accomplish many goals in this lifetime. She is a singer and song writer with her new album “Journey out of slumber” recently released. She is the leading singer and co- founder of one of the most popular Jazz bands in Cyprus “Mood Indigo”. Along with her partner, Greg Makamian, they introduced Cyprus music platform to the American song book of Jazz. Irene is also a huge healthy food lover and has a YouTube channel under the name Irene Coco Queen, where she gives free vegan recipes to her viewers. “I hope for a future where humanity will treat animals and our planet with love and respect”. Her beautiful voice in combination with her sensitive soul is what makes her so truly inspiring!- I am passionate with…inspiring people.
- I believe in… the idea that all sentient beings should be treated as equals.
- I laugh at…myself!
- I cry for…people who do not express their true authentic selves.
- I detest…people and companies who exploit the innocent for money.
- I adore…my dog and my partner.
- My greatest fear is…never knowing who we truly are as a species and if extra-terrestrials exist.
- My dream is…to be in a position where I can help others.
- My worst scenario is…saying goodbye to the ones I love.
- My best quality is…empathy.
Wonder Women
Rebecca Katsaris was born in Athens and until the age of five lived in the Arab Emirates. Even though she spent most of her life in Cyprus, her curiosity for diversity drove her to live in various places such as Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom. She studied Preschool Education and Psychology at the University of Cyprus and has a Master of Research degree in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Cultural Studies from the University of Birkbeck in London, United Kingdom. Rebecca has worked in public and private schools, and has designed and facilitated various educational programs for galleries, museums, festivals and libraries, something which gave her the opportunity to meet and work alongside dancers, healers, shamans, farmers, musicians, painters, poets and storytellers. She is the founder of Trofí which is dedicated to Pedagogy of Diversity and offers seminars and workshops which their main focus is to enhance self-love, acceptance of the other and to cultivate a collaborative spirit between young people and families. The main focus of her workshops is music, art and creativity, physical expression, literature and nutrition. Let’s meet Rebecca from a different point of view:- I am passionate with…music, stones, seeds and the people I love.
- I believe in…love and good-hearted people.
- I laugh at …good jokes.
- I cry for…big and small things, especially when I have the need to release emotional tension.
- I detest…hypocrisy.
- I adore…spending time with my loved ones.
- My greatest fear is…to loose hope.
- My dream is…to live and create in my home island Cyprus.
- My worst scenario is…I do not wish to think about it.
- My best quality is…bringing people together.
Wonder Women
Antria Petrou is a graphic designer and illustrator from Cyprus. She lives and works in London, after her graduation in BA Marketing and Advertising from Leeds Becket University. However, her passion for design and creativity led her to extend her studies in perusing skills and knowledge for graphic design in Shillington College. “As a graphic designer, through my illustrations I found a way to express my personality, style and beliefs”. Atria’s illustrations are inspirited by her love for fashion, the values of feminism, her passion with travelling and everyday life. At the same time Antria is working on her own personal project “B R U N C H I N G”, a denim jackets brand, where her digital illustrations are brought into fashion. Her ultimate goal is to create a powerful international brand with the combination of her two great passions, graphic design and fashion. Antria is a bold young woman who is determined to bring her dreams in reality. “I am intrigued by every new challenge that pushes my boundaries in order to develop myself in every aspect. My ultimate vision for my future is to become a successful woman and artist that will inspire others to.”- I am passionate with…passionate people.
- I believe in…the power that comes from within.
- I laugh at …funny videos.
- I cry…for two reasons; happiness and anger.
- I detest…
- I adore…my life.
- My greatest fear is…death before success.
- My dream is…to experience the world through my own lenses.
- My worst scenario is…
- My best quality is… transferring vision into reality.
Ink on thoughts
“Life and death, energy and peace. If I stop today, it was still worth it. Even the terrible mistakes that I made and would have unmade if I could. The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I ‘ve walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far in between, through it, in it, and above.” – Gia Life is a blessing. Present is a gift. Death is a fact, not a threat. It’s such a mystical subject, that withholds a majestic power within it. We all acquaint its existence, but not all are aware. Living in the moment is something not a lot of people achieve in their life. We are forced to follow a path that has tonnes of responsibilities, which could hold us back from being who we truly desire. How many of us could say that if they stop today they wouldn’t change a single thing on their way? Could we say that we experience life to the fullest? What if we could accept the idea that heaven and hell are on the very moment we are in, right now, as a fact? In painting, when the artist decides to keep some accidental marks or forms he created in the process, they automatically become part of the completed work. The same happens with decisions we take in life. You have to go with the flow to not lose your way. Mistakes and unfortunate events could be, maybe, another chance to receive the meaning behind our existence. People sometimes find their path in the strangest ways. If life was unlimited, the magic would have been absorbed out of it. Embrace it. Now is the youngest you will be. Now is the best chance you have. KSWonder Women
Helena is a woman with many talents. She studied musical theatre at Laine Theatre Arts and for the last three years she has been working as an actress in Greek tv series. She is being loved and recognised not only for her amazing talent, but also for the beauty she is inside out. Her love for expressing her self through art is what keeps her trying and evolving. “Dance, music and drama fill my soul. I can’t imagine my life without doing the things I love”.- I am passionate with…what I do.
- I believe in…kindness of people.
- I laugh at …my dad’s jokes!
- I cry for…injustice.
- I detest…imperiousness.
- I adore…animals.
- My greatest fear is…war.
- My dream is…to play in a movie.
- My worst scenario is…to be unable to express my feelings through art.
- My best quality is…persistence.
Wonder Women
Eleni Irakleous is a talented and passionate musician. She has been living and working in Berlin for the last ten years. She studied classical piano and music education, and she recently graduated from a Master degree based on singing with children. “I am a musician, a pianist, a singer and a children’s choir conductor. I love my field because it allows me to change roles, scenes and work with a lot of people”. In the last few months Eleni has performed on stage in three different countries with the junior choir of the Berlin as the constructor, with the symphonic orchestra in Berlin as a pianist, and as a singer at a chamber choir. Performing her own songs is the most personal aspect of her work. As a solo artist she gets to share with her audience her stories and experiences. Eleni is currently recording her first EP album. Lets meet Eleni in 10 personal questions:- I am passionate with…my work!
- I believe in…love and the change small actions can bring.
- I laugh at …myself for stupid thoughts when they no longer matter.
- I cry…when I am emotionally stressed.
- I detest…ignorance in every level.
- I adore…my family.
- My greatest fear is…me actually knowing the answer to this question.
- My dream is…a more balanced universe.
- My worst scenario is… bad weather, delayed trains, cancelled flights, and getting late and stressed to work.
- My best quality is…coming up with new, creative ideas in a short time.

Ink on thoughts
Σε εποχές οικονομικής κρίσης η τηλεόραση μεταμορφώνεται αυτόματα σε ένα κουτί με προγράμματα χαμηλού κόστους χωρίς κανένα πολιτιστικό ή κοινωνικό υπόβαθρο. Η αλήθεια είναι ότι δεν ήμουν ποτέ μεγάλη οπαδός των εκπομπών της τηλεόρασης. Φέτος έτυχε να παρακολουθήσω περισσότερο από κάθε άλλη χρονιά είτε για ενημέρωση λόγο των ερχόμενων εκλογών, είτε λόγο του ότι γνωστοί μου λαμβάνουν μέρος σε εκπομπές ταλέντων (το κάθε σπίτι και Ανδρέας που λέγαμε στην Κύπρο αντικαταστάθηκε με το κάθε σπίτι και ταλέντο). Θεωρώ λοιπόν ότι ο Καπουντζίδης είναι ό,τι καλύτερο έχει να δείξει η ελληνική και κυπριακή τηλεόραση αυτή τη στιγμή, από όποια πλευρά και να το δεις. Καταρχάς είναι η χαρά του Θεού που λέμε, σε κάνει να νιώθεις ευτυχισμένος μόνο που εμφανίζεται. Καλοσυνάτος, χιουμοριστικός και γλυκύτατος, μεταφέρει μια απίστευτη θετική ενέργεια! Οι γνώσεις του πολυδιάστατες και το επίπεδό του ψηλότερο από το πύργο από ποτήρια στο κεφάλι του Κκαντή. Αυτό που με συγκίνησε απίστευτα εντούτοις ήταν τα λόγια που είπε σε ένα μικρούλι, μετά που τραγούδησε για το μπούλιγκ (πανέμορφοι στίχοι και χίλια μπράβο του). «Να μάθετε στα παιδιά σας ότι το παιδί που είναι διαφορετικό δε το βάζουμε στη γωνία», λέει στους γονείς ο Καπουντζίδης και συνεχίζοντας κάνει ένα μικρό μάθημα για την έννοια της δημοκρατίας «Δημοκρατία δε σημαίνει μόνο να λέει ο καθένας ότι θέλει. Δεν είναι αυτός ο ορισμός της δημοκρατίας. Η σωστή δημοκρατία είναι η χώρα στην οποία η πλειοψηφία λαμβάνει υπόψη της και προστατεύει τις αδύναμες μειονότητες. Αυτό είναι δημοκρατία». Στη χώρα που γέννησε τη δημοκρατία, χρειάζεται υπενθύμιση του τι σημαίνει δημοκρατία. Ειδικά αναφερόμενοι στην Κύπρο του σήμερα, που τα δεδομένα άλλων ανεπτυγμένων χωρών μας φαντάζουν μακρινά. Αν λοιπόν αγαπητοί γονείς διερωτάστε τι να πείτε στα παιδιά σας όταν συναντούν κάτι διαφορετικό στο δρόμο τους (κρίμα αν κάνατε παιδιά και δεν ξέρετε πώς να τους δώσετε τη στοιχειώδη κοινωνική μόρφωση), να λέτε αυτό. Δε παραμερίζουμε τη διαφορετικότητα. Την υποστηρίζουμε και την αγκαλιάζουμε, γιατί μπορεί αυτό το διαφορετικό που μας εκπλήσσει σήμερα να διαγράψει την μελλοντική μας πορεία. Είμαστε υπόχρεοι να αναγνωρίζουμε την πλεονεκτική μας θέση στο χάρτη της ανθρωπότητας, καθώς και να υποστηρίζουμε αυτούς που το χρειάζονται (αύριο ίσως βρεθούμε στη δική τους θέση άλλωστε). Η ποιότητα του ανθρώπου δε φαίνεται στη συμπεριφορά του απέναντι στους όμοιους του, αλλά σε αυτούς που τον έχουν ανάγκη. Καλές Γιορτές! Κ.Σ.
Wonder Women
Izambella Christodoulou is a freelance makeup artist based in Larnaca, Cyprus. After following a make up course in one of the best schools on the subject in Athens “PANSIK scull di moda”, she expanded her studies in fashion and design in “Vellios School of Art”. Izambella is in her early twenties and already met great success through her passion for make up. She is definitely an example of how social media can be great tool to success in contemporary world. “What I would like to share with everyone trying to find their way, is to turn your passion into your job. In that way you will always be happy and looking forward to work!” Let’s meet her in a more personal way:- I am passionate with…my job.
- I believe in…God.
- I laugh …when someone unexpectedly falls.
- I cry…when i’m frustrated and stressed.
- I detest…liars.
- I adore…Linda Hallberg.
- My greatest fear is…death.
- My dream is…to become one of the greatest makeup artist in the world.
- My worst scenario is…being alone and loose love and hope in my life.
- My best quality is…confidence.